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Yoga for Beginners

Divinity and nature have given us the ability to learn many things. Some of them we learn unintentionally while others we learn through practice and experience.

New-born babies are so active in their own little world stretching their bodies to gain momentum in their muscles. They are yoga poses intuited into them by nature to build agility and strength. As we grow older, we need to integrate these core fundamentals into our daily lives. However. we are so indulged in the external vagaries and multitude of functionalities that we fail to realise we are more focused on seeking attention from others rather than focusing on ourselves and our internal existence. 

For the past 5,000 years, the word Yoga has been a symbol of physical and mental health. It has proved itself to cater to both the material and spiritual upliftment of humanity. The practice of yoga brings in a drastic change in the behavioural pattern of an individual as it unites an individual with the universal consciousness. In other words, it teaches us to be mindful of our actions and their repercussions on the society around us by building a perfect harmony between our mind and body.

Yoga is Chitta-Vritti-Nirodha, meaning it helps you restrain and calm the fluctuations in your mind consciously, you will not only be able to reach the realms of the consciousness within but also connect with the Universal Consciousness. Our evolution began with it and must end with it for us to gain Moksha – meaning the intense longing or burning desire for liberation, freedom and self-realization.

If you are a beginner in yoga, there are certain basic yoga asanas that you can practice even at home with nothing but a yoga mat and your body. Using a yoga mat not only acts as an insulator between your body and the ground but also helps align your energy. They also provide cushioning and traction for you as you get into a pose.

Once you feel comfortable with a few beginner yoga postures, you can incorporate them into a sequence for your daily practice to help you with overall focus, balance, and stability.

Here are a few essential Yoga asanas for beginners and their benefits.





Standing Positions




Also called ‘Mountain Pose’ or Samasthiti is a basic yoga pose where the practitioner plants their feet on the ground while keeping the body firm and straight. This pose helps increase blood circulation, tone up the muscles, relieve sciatic pain and strengthens the back, hips, and legs.



Also known as ‘Forward Bend Pose’ is recommended for people who want to lose weight. This yoga asana strengthens the back muscles, increases blood flow in the nervous system, cures digestive disorders and relieves menstrual problems.



Also called ‘Chair Pose’ helps reduce chronic pain. It also helps build strength and stamina while boosting your mood and mental well-being.



Also known as ‘Tree Pose’ you must keep your back straight and alternatively place your foot on the inside of the thigh. This pose brings balance and equilibrium to your mind, builds your concentration and improves the neuro muscle coordination.


Sitting Positions




Also known as ‘Child Pose’ helps to stretch your back and hip muscles. It helps relieve back pain, gain mental relaxation, healthy blood circulation and digestion.



Also called the ‘Cow Face Pose’ is a seated posture that increases your flexibility by elongating your spine and stretching several parts of your body simultaneously, including the shoulders, chest, thighs, ankles and hips. It stimulates your kidneys, treats high blood pressure and helps reduce anxiety and stress.



Also called the ‘Cat Pose’ helps synchronise breath and gently stretch and warm up your spine. It also builds flexibility in the muscles, relieves menstrual pain, improves posture and activates your kidney functions by increasing the blood flow and oxygen level in the body, it also promotes creativity and positivity.



Also called the ‘Butterfly Pose’ improves in building circulation and stimulates the heart. It helps stretch your pelvic region, inner thighs and your knees. It can also help you get relief from depression and anxiety.


Reverse Supine




Also known as the ‘Cobra Pose’ helps to release stiffness in the lower back and stretches the chest, shoulder and abdominal muscles. It also improves blood circulation and keeps the digestive system healthy.



Also called the ‘Locust Pose’ is a back-bending asana that counters the effects of sitting at a desk for a prolonged time by strengthening your back muscles and supporting your spine.



Also known as ‘Bow Pose’ is a complete yoga asana that helps tone your back and strengthen the abdominal muscles. It helps you stretch the front part of your body including your throat, chest, abdomen, hip, thighs and ankles.


Supine Position




Or the ‘Air Relieving Posture’ helps to release air/gases accumulated in the lower digestive tract. This helps in your abdominal functions strengthening your digestive systems and also relieving you from chronic constipation and liver abnormalities.



Also called the ‘Boat Pose’ is where you form a triangular shape balancing the body weight with your legs and back. It helps build incredible core strength, improves digestion and reduces back pain. It also helps to stimulate the thyroid, kidneys, prostate glands and intestines. 


Supta-Eka Padangusthasana

Also known as the ‘Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose’ helps to improve the spine’s posture and relieve lower back pain. It stretches and opens your leg to the fullest extent. The posture also helps to recover physical and mental states.


These ‘ Yoga asanas for Beginners’ are some of the most fundamental asanas of yoga that have survived over 5,000 years of change. Practice them with respect and discipline to experience the rejuvenating benefits of yoga. Have a daily committed schedule for your yoga sessions and experience a change in your Body, Mind and Personality.

Every moment of our Life is Precious, Live it to the fullest.

Enjoy the true experience of Peace, Equanimity and Happiness.

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