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Physical benefits 

Mental benefits 

Iyengar Yoga

About 7 decades ago, Yogacharya BKS Iyengar devised his own unique style of yoga that allowed anyone of any age to be able to do yoga through the use of props. This style of yoga later came to be known as Iyengar Yoga. Iyengar yoga goes beyond the physical discipline, it is an art, a science and a philosophy that focuses on precision, timing and use of props. Regular practice of Iyengar yoga enhances the capabilities of the body, mind and emotions.  



Yoga is a non-competitive sport so there is no need for any special physical traits to practice yoga All you need is desire, patience, and perseverance. We do not practice yoga to become flexible, it is practice of concentration, listening, attention and awareness. Flexibility, when it comes, is a by-product of it.


Yoga is open for everyone! Yoga teaches us that despite the differences in cultures and mentality, we are all alike. We all have a heart, a pair of lungs, a liver, and a brain. Since we all share the same human core, we can all utilize this practice to help us overcome our difficulties and alleviate our sufferings.  Therefore, yoga can benefit everyone, regardless of traits, age, or inclination.  

Traditionally, it is ideal time to practice is at sunrise or sunset. Most people prefer to practice early in the morning because during this time the body and mind are still fresh and quiet and there are few external disturbances 

One should wait at least four hours before practicing after a full meal. The two main reasons for that are first, the stomach and intestines are full and heavy after a meal which restricts movement. Secondly, practicing after a meal disturbs the body's natural flow of energy required to digest food. Not many of us know digestion requires a lot of energy. 

Props make it possible for every person to enhance their Sadhana (practice of yoga), regardless of their physical limitations. 

The use of porps allows one to : 

– Perform difficult asanas independently 

– Achieve and maintain correct alignment  

– Holding asanas for longer and relax, thus attaining their full benefit 

– Understand the asanas on a deeper level 

– continue practicing despite of chronic or temporary ailments and improve their condition. 


Aarti Karalkar

Aarti Karalkar

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Anirudh Gupta

Anirudh Gupta

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Fawza Moralia

Fawza Moralia

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Jahnavi Shah

Jahnavi Shah

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Lavina Gulati

Lavina Gulati

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Tanaj Contractor

Tanaj Contractor

Offline Iyengar Yoga

Vaishali Shah

Vaishali Shah

Offline Iyengar Yoga








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