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How Technology Blends With Yoga Today!

Technology has influenced and changed our lives drastically over the past 3 years. Almost every sector has been affected by the revolution of technology be it education, entertainment, agriculture, industries, services, food processing, or manufacturing. Similarly, the world of Yoga, too, has adapted to technology.  In this article, we will look at some notable technological innovations that have made yoga more accessible to everyone. The whole process of achieving a balance between busy schedules and yoga has become very simple with technologies like artificial intelligence and the internet of things.  


Virtual Yoga Classes 

The Technological growth in yoga has made it possible for people to attend classes from the comfort of their own homes. People can connect with teachers from anywhere in the world and practice yoga at their own pace with virtual yoga classes. This has been a boon for those who run a busy schedule and cannot attend an offline class every day. 

Many platforms have now started to offer virtual yoga sessions that offer a variety of classes taught by internationally experienced teachers which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The pandemic played a major role in this transition after which, a virtual yoga session has become a must-have for many yoga studios around the world.  


Yoga Apps 

Yoga apps have played a major role in the growth of yoga. These apps provide users with access to yoga classes, guided meditations, and other resources that can help them deepen their practice. Many of these apps are free or offer a low-cost subscription, making them accessible to people of all income levels. 

One of the most popular yoga apps is Down Dog. This app allows its users to choose from a variety of yoga classes for all levels, users can also customize their practice by selecting the length of the class, the type of yoga, and the level of difficulty. Another notable yoga app is Yoga Studio, which offers a variety of classes and allows users to create their own custom classes. 

In addition to yoga apps, there are many apps that focus on specific aspects of yoga, such as meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises). Headspace is one such app gaining popularity for offering a variety of guided meditations according to different purposes, such as stress relief and quality sleep. Prana Breath is another app that gained popularity for focused pranayama exercises and a variety of guided breathing exercises. 



Wearable Technology 

Yoga has grown significantly through the use of Wearable technology. Wearables such as smartwatches and fitness trackers can track various aspects of yoga practice, such as heart rate, calories burned, and the duration of the practice. This information can be used to track progress and set goals for the future. One of the most popular wearable devices for yoga is the Apple Watch. The watch can track heart rate, calories burned, and the duration of practice. It also has a Breathe app that guides users through breathing exercises. 

Another popular wearable device for yoga is the Nadi X yoga pants. These pants are embedded with sensors that detect the wearer’s movements and provide feedback on their posture. The pants vibrate when the wearer’s posture is incorrect, helping them to correct their alignment. 


Smart Mats 

Smart mats are another example of how technology has helped to grow the practice of yoga. These mats are embedded with sensors that detect the wearer’s movements and provide feedback on their posture. This feedback can be used to correct alignment and improve the effectiveness of the practice. 

One such popular mat is the SmartMat. This mat is compatible with smartphones and tablets and provides real-time feedback on posture and alignment. It also offers personalized yoga routines based on the user’s goals and preferences. 


Virtual Reality and Augmented reality: 

Yoga studios all over the world have started incorporating AR into their training sessions which allows yogis to experience a serene atmosphere, complete with mountain ranges and snow-capped hills, waterfalls, and lush green forests. The practitioners can now embrace an immersive yogic experience, along with the added benefits of increasing concentration and reducing stress levels. AR is a game-changer for the yoga industry, and it has helped in broadening the reach of yoga. Some studios have even started combining color therapy with yoga. For instance, Chroma Yoga in London has classes illuminated with six different colors, each for the respective color-specific yoga exercise. The yellow class will help with digestion, while the blue class helps maintain stress levels. This innovation has attracted a younger audience who are drawn to the interactive and dynamic experience of yoga. 


In conclusion, the integration of technology and yoga has revolutionized the way we practice yoga. With the advent of wearable technology, virtual yoga assistants, and interactive yoga mats, it has become easier for people to practice yoga in the comfort of their own homes, and to personalize their practice to meet their individual needs. 

Furthermore, technology has also helped to globalize yoga, making it more accessible to people around the world. The pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many yoga studios and instructors moving their classes online and incorporating technology into their teachings. 

While some may argue that technology detracts from the traditional elements of yoga, such as mindfulness and spirituality, it is important to remember that technology is simply a tool. When used in conjunction with the traditional teachings of yoga, technology can enhance our understanding and practice of this ancient art form. 

As the field of yogic technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative tools and techniques emerge. From artificial reality to color therapy, the possibilities are endless. 

In the end, it is up to an individual to decide how they want to incorporate technology into their yoga practice. Whether you choose to embrace the latest technological innovations or prefer to stick to more traditional methods, the most important thing is to find what works for you and helps you to achieve balance and harmony in your life.

If you wish to embrace the technological innovations of yoga and practice in your own comfort, check out our online classes here and if you prefer to stick to the more traditional style of yoga, visit us at our center in Mumbai. 


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