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8 Benefits of Yoga for Children

The word Yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years and has proved itself to bring a perfect
harmony between the mind and body. Yoga helps in the union of the self with the universal
God designed all human beings with the basic auto sensory reflexes at the time of our birth. Reflexes
are basically involuntary movements or actions which are spontaneous and occur as a part of the
body’s normal activity. Many of these reflexes gradually help a child to mold and shape itself in the
evolution process. Little do the parents realize the invaluable boon offered to the child by the
creator itself!!
If you would have observed, newborn babies are so active in their own little world stretching their
body to gain momentum of their muscles. We would have seen the little ones lying on the back
eventually grabbing their toes and taking it towards their mouth. As they roll over their bellies, they
slowly start lifting their head and then the chest and then moving through the floor. Sometimes they
lift their head and chest, and their arms and legs all at once. This is yoga intuited to them by the
creator to survive on their own. Thus, they integrate their bodies to do yoga naturally. These are the
core foundational movements that we need to continue to take in stride as we grow up as children,
teens, adults, and senior citizens. All you need is to reinstate your practice!!
Parents and teachers play the most crucial role in the life of a child. It is often said – God could not be
everywhere and so he made parents and teachers, giving an opportunity for each one of us to shape
up our child physically and mentally as much as a we need to shape ourselves. Again, in the race of
competition, how many of us give time for our children? This is something we need to delve into and
contemplate upon. Is it not surprising to note how we have conveniently ignored maintaining the
continuity and stability of our own and our children’s physical and mental well-being!!
A child’s basic instinct, like a flower, is to blossom. Every child deserves the best of physical fitness
and mental tranquility. Yoga is the greatest gift we can give to our children, teaching them to groom
themselves with responsibility and independence. Yoga also helps our children to grow up mindfully
to become responsible citizens.
Now let us understand how Yoga benefits children.
1. Discipline and Self-Control:
Yoga teaches us to control the mind to not be impatient and make hasty decisions. This
helps build better communications and friendships, thus helping them take rational
decisions even at an early age.
2. Reduces impulsiveness and competitiveness:
In their early years, children are impulsive, this may lead them to act rashly many times.
Yoga helps in calming the mind, giving them more clarity to take the right decisions. They
gain acceptance to learn from one another, thus calming down their competitive spirit.
Children learn to work as a team to boost the overall group performance.
3. Reduce Stress and Anxiety:
In the competitive rat race of education and sports, the anxiety levels of children these days
are too high. Children too go through a lot of emotions. The breathing techniques practiced
in Yoga calms anxiety and help them work through the complex feelings of hatred, anger,
and frustration. Yoga helps to culminate into love, affection, and care for one another.
4. Nurtures Self Confidence:

Yoga helps to build one’s self esteem where the child starts believing in their own
capabilities and open up their creativity. They learn to imbibe in every field with excitement
and joy whether in studies or sports. Children are quick to learn things. So, through yoga
they start to gain confidence in themselves, enabling them to pursue anything and
everything they wish to do.
5. Improves Focus and Concentration:
Since their minds become calm and relaxed, the unwanted emotions are relieved, giving
space to concentrate and focus on their studies with a long attention span. They begin to
pursue their passion with vigor.
6. Builds Immunity, Strength, and Flexibility:
Practicing yoga regularly helps the growing muscles of children. It also takes care of the
entire body functions including digestion. This benefits the children with strong immunity,
strength, and body flexibility. Which in turn enables the child to perform to his best.
7. Improves Posture:
Holding yoga poses for long helps their posture. Most of the standing and sitting poses
develop a child’s core strength. This further helps create awareness of the body for the child
with balance, and coordination during the smooth process of its development.
8. Sleep Well:
Children require deep and relaxed sleep at the end of a busy day. While the other routines
such as studies, sports, learning hobbies etc. are inevitably an exciting part of their daily life,
equal importance needs to be given to blissful sleep. A few poses of yoga done regularly at
night help the little minds to calm down and get into a deep sleep. This is what in turn helps
them to grow well physically, gain mental clarity, and boost their immunity.
Kids can master things very quickly. As parents, it is our responsibility to mold them with the
right choices in life. Our children are our most valuable assets, and it is for us to help them
live a life of vitality, clarity, strength, goodness. and happiness. Spend time with them,
understand what they need the most and guide them with discipline yet genuine love for
their best physical and mental well-being.
Children are our best teachers as well. While we take care of them, this is also an
opportunity for us to gain back our physical and emotional health. Learning yoga and
practicing it with our children not only helps them to build their discipline but also makes us
too well-organized in our day-to-day activities.



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