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Lower Back Pain Release Najeeb Sayyed Workshop | Yog.org
Lower Back Pain Release Najeeb Sayyed Workshop Mobile | Yog.org

Benefits of Yoga for Lower Back Pain

Physical Aspects

Mental Aspects

Meet Mr. Najeeb Sayed – A Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher Extraordinaire!

Known for his blend of warmth, wisdom, and a sprinkle of positivity, Najeeb Sir has a knack for encouraging students to break their limits and discover their inner strength.

His students swear by his ability to transform challenges into life lessons, guiding them through the ups and downs with his teachings. Whether it’s in a regular class, an exciting workshop or one of his rejuvenating yoga retreats, you’ll always catch the vibe of positivity and energy that Najeeb Sir brings to the mat.

From unravelling the nuances of a pose for beginners and guiding intermediate students through graceful inversions to supporting seniors in restoring sequences, Najeeb Sir’s expertise caters to every soul on the yoga journey. With over 30 years of teaching under his belt, his voyage in the world of Iyengar Yoga commenced in the late ’80s. As a direct disciple of the legendary Guruji BKS Iyengar, Najeeb Sir has blossomed under his guidance at RIMYI, Pune and during Guruji’s weekend classes in Mumbai.

Lower Back Pain Release Najeeb Sayyed Workshop Schedule Yog.org



  1. Homemakers working all day long without resting
  2. Sedentary Lifestyle
  3. Lifting weights without stretching
  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana 
  2. Virbhadrasana
  3. Paschimottanasana
  4. Supta Padangusthasana

Back pain due to muscle strain would usually get better on its own, but you can take steps to make your life more comfortable. A heating pad or warm baths can provide temporary relief.

Even if you have any health conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. yoga can help cure all of them, in many ways. Though while performing certain asanas, it is recommended to have your doctor’s consent with you.
Whereas most of them are very much beneficial and suitable for everyone.

  1. Better Sleep
  2. Good Posture
  3. Talk Therapy
  4. Walking up straight

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The workshop was a huge success!

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Lower Back Pain Release with Najeeb Sayed Work
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